Well, I'm back from holidays with a ridiculous number photos to choose from. I spent hours going through the pictures editing them, there's no way anyone but us will ever want to go through all these shots. I've decided there's worse things than taking and keeping too many photos and for anyone in their 40's like me we remember all too well how expensive it used to be to get photos.
One of my kids asked me why we don't have as many photos of them as Adam, my brother, has of his kids, I said because Uncle Adam doesn't have to pay $12 for 36 photos!
Anyway, I'm keepin all my photos because I can and I don't care if nobody ever looks at them, I can have them running as a screen saver to remind me that it happened.
But what to paint. So after great deliberation I decided to do a painting of Puffins.
By the time we got to the colony of Puffins, we had travelled to the other side of the world - Scotland and rode a very small plane with propellers - which landed on an air strip that was too long for the tiny island and actually went across the main road. Yes they had a stop sign and a security guard so when a plane came in, the traffic was stopped. It was a very, very long way from Australia. It was as exciting to us as a Koala is to anyone who visits Australia.
We have a sequence of photos that show this baby asking for dinner, see the guy behind? He wants to know what's going on
And now they all do! Hilarious! So, that's what I've started as my next painting on my visits with Barb. I'm actually doing 2. Barb and I are doing one together and I'm doing one at home for my son Ivan.He announced he wanted one with Puffins and Ponies, the two main animals on Shetland so I gave hime a draft of a Puffin standing on a pony's nose, he thought that was great so that's what I'm painting - they're both funny looking so I reckon I can get away with a bit.